Off Road Tires

By Richard Romando

Adventure sports are very popular and boast of a huge fan following worldwide. The adrenaline rush and extreme sporting action is not something everyone would opt for thus watching the sport becomes the next best option. Apart from their skills, competitors are highly dependant upon their vehicles, components, and tires. Off road tires have all terrain treads and can easily maintain balance on uneven surfaces. Off road tires are not suitable for regular paved roads and are used for motor cross seasons, all-terrain races, and sand rail competitions.

Off road races could involve bicycles, motorbikes, or motor vehicles. Competitors could be required to traverse paths that are sandy, all terrain landscapes, dirty and mountainous. It is obvious that regular tires would cease to perform on such terrain and hence the use of off road tires is advocated. It is advisable not to use off road tires for regular use as they are designed especially for off road activities. Extreme conditions, high speed, and quick wear prevent off road tires from regular use. They are not designed for such usage, tend to be noisy and wear faster. These special tread patterns wear off quickly if used on asphalt roads and paths. When used on a competitive level, off road tires need to be changed more often than regular tires. In most cases off road tire expenses are borne by sponsors and manufacturers themselves.

Off road tires are available in various sizes and widths. Off road tires are classified into two major types. They are all terrain treads and mud treads. All terrain treads are apt for off-highway conditions and its closed tread design reduces noise on highways and is well suited for rocks as well as sand. They are not very good on muddy terrain but certain designs are able to combat such problems. Mud off road tires can cope in muddy situations, deep snow, and rocks. They may not perform all that well in case of rain and icy paths.

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